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Services - Mosquito Control Services

Types of Mosquitoes

1. Anopheline mosquitoes:- Clean water breeder. Over head tanks, Ponds, Banks of rivers, rain water collections, cement tanks, wells, Rice fields etc. There are nearly 50 species of Anophelines in India & out of that 9 species are transmitting Malaria. In urban areas like Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi etc it is only one species i.e. Anopheline stephensi that is transmitting Malaria in urban areas. In metros, it breeds mostly in overhead tanks of drinking water in our buildings. 90% breeding takes place in that & the rest in rainwater collections, cement tanks & in clean water wells within the urban areas. This mosquito transmits Malaria & it is an efficient Vector.

2. Aedes Mosquitoes:- This Mosquito Transmits Chikungunya & Dengue Fever. It breeds in all clean water containers in & around the houses. These two diseases are viral origin & hence no drugs available directly to cure. Only ways are to prevent the mosquito breeding. They are daytime biting mosquitoes & called as “Tiger Mosquitoes” because of the white dots present on its body. The containers to be emptied stored water to be closed or changed in 5-6 days time.

3. Culex Mosquitoes:- These mosquitoes are in plenty everywhere in urban areas. This breeds in all polluted waters like drains, cesspools, cesspits & any water collection as it gets polluted & muddy. They are the nuisance mosquitoes seen all over the urban areas & they are domesticated mosquitoes. They mostly rest in our bathrooms & shaded places in the house. Among the mosquitoes present in an urban area these mosquitoes dominates in its numbers & breeding. It occupies around 70 to 80 % of the population of mosquito density. Control is by way of using Fenthion in polluted water bodies. Culex quinquefasciatus causes the transmission of Filariasis.

4. Armigeris Mosquitoes:- This breeds heavily in Septic tanks & cattle shed drains were urine of cattle mixes with the water & gets polluted .This is present in urban areas were there is no under ground sewerage system instead there are individual Septic tanks & vent pipes allowing the mosquitoes to be released in plenty on every evening . They are very painful biter & it produces a swelling also. The control in such Septic tanks are by cementing the gaps of the slabs of the tank & also tying gunny bags or Mosquito nets on the top of Vent pipe opening.

Method of Mosquito controls

Overhead tanks are to be taken care by hermetical sealing. Mostly taken care by the owners of houses & strict implementation by Corporation officials by enforcing through legal measures. Other method is environmental management i.e. by way of clearing the water accumulation either by way of filling or emptying it.

We recommend Bti, Fenthion & Tempos as larvicide’s. Bti & Fenthion in polluted water & Bti & Tempos in clean water.

Larval Control:- Weekly application of larvicide’s or Bio-larvicide’s. Tempos, Fenthion for clean & polluted water respectively. Bti as biolarvicide. Double dose for polluted water bodies. Another method is by release of Guppy or Gambusia fishes.

Larval Control:- Weekly application of larvicide’s or Bio-larvicide’s. Tempos, Fenthion for clean & polluted water respectively. Bti as biolarvicide. Double dose for polluted water bodies. Another method is by release of Guppy or Gambusia fishes.

Space Spray:- This is otherwise known as Fogging. There are two products used in this. Pyrethrum 2% extract & also Malathion Technical. Mostly the earlier one is used because of its natural origin & effectiveness. This is done during epidemics time in order to reduce the transmission. Pyrethrum extract is recommended. “Cold Fogging’’ to be done preferably at Dusk time transferred.